[KEREN]Senjata-senjata Yang Dilapisi Emas

Peter Gronquist has designed weapons labeled with different famous designer brands like Chanel, Gucci, Versace, Dolce & Gabanna, etc. The artist himself thinks that today people will put a designer label on nearly anything to look and feel awesome, so he wanted to make fun of it in a way .
Gronquist says that he “Really just wanted to make something completely ridiculous”. The design-labeled weapons are everything from guns to bombs, even chainsaws. They have become so popular that movie character “Bruno” showed up at his own premiere in Los Angeles with a shining Chanel RGP.

Terjemahan :
Peter Gronquist telah merancang senjata diberi label dengan berbeda merek desainer terkenal seperti Chanel, Gucci, Versace, Dolce & Gabanna, dll Seniman dirinya orang berpikir bahwa hari ini akan menempatkan label desainer di hampir apa pun untuk terlihat dan terasa luar biasa, jadi dia ingin membuat bersenang-senang di jalan.
Gronquist mengatakan bahwa ia "Really just wanted to make something completely ridiculous". Senjata desain-label adalah segalanya dari senjata untuk bom, bahkan gergaji. Mereka telah menjadi sangat populer sehingga karakter film "Bruno" muncul di premiere sendiri di Los Angeles dengan bersinar Chanel RGP.

sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=4243128

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Posted by Toko Alifa on 08.06. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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